Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scary stuff

Has everyone been as busy as I have? Wow time flies. This past weekend I was able to get my trailer down the "Field road of doom" and take Scotty on a field trip. The Mounted Patrol unit that I ride for was having a sensory practice so I thought it might be fun to take Scotty and see how he would fair against all the scary obstacles. I would lead him from the ground of course as I am nursing a severe case of tennis elbow (funny, I've never played the game in my life). Better judgement being that I should not hop on the back of a track-broke 4 yr old TB who had been kept in a stall all night, with a sore arm, and ride through a scary course. So I led him through it. Scotty was fantastic and did everything I asked. We had a teeter totter, large ball, a "car wash", tires, mattress etc. He actually seemed to enjoy himself. Attached are a few pics of our adventure.Enjoy!


Caprice- said...

Love your pictures of Scotty making his way through the course. What a good boy he is! You are so blessed to have rescued such a great horse. Give him a hug for me, will you? I just think what you're doing is so great!
Happy Friday!

TBDancer said...

I have always said OTTBs have lived a thousand lifetimes on the track, and these pictures of Scotty going through the obstacles like it was just everyday stuff certainly proves it.

I doubt that he ever raced through a carwash or had to maneuver around a ball the size of Wisconsin, but he certainly didn't appear to have an issue with any of it.

Bet you can't wait to have that first ride! Any ideas as to when it will be or where you'll be working with him--a training barn maybe or with a trainer elsewhere? Inquiring minds ;oD

Caprice- said...

Where are you? Hope you and Scotty are okay!!! We miss you here in blog-land.

TBDancer said...

I agree with Caprice--hope all is well at your house and at your barn. Do let us know what has been happening.