Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I am not a vet

I am not a vet, I do not even play one on TV. Scotty's shoulder injury is probably nothing more than a bruised foot. I'm very much ok with that. It seems my assessment of his abnormal, "oh-my-god it's broken", bony shoulder was nothing more than how he was resting it. Only because he is so scrawny, it appears disfigured. My second guess was an abscess. Perhaps I will keep my day job.

I did leave him in the stall for a few days, which drove him batty. He expressed his displeasure by making crabby faces and biting the air around his face. Directed at nothing in particular, I'm assuming it's a trait he learned while at the track. Our trip to the vet has been postponed again due to the glacial ice flow which has become the field road and also fluctuating weather conditions. His shoulder, or shall I say hoof, continues to improve and he only seems mildly ouchy while negotiating the frozen piles of manure. He's back to bucking and running which is nice to see. My colt was even picking a fight with him.

So many pieces of the puzzle have come together since his arrival just over a month ago. I will gather my thoughts in the next day or so and write up his entire story as we now know it.


bon said...

Just came to your blog after googling my uncle Scotty's name. I think about him everyday, and sometimes it is so overwhelming that I just like to go online and read about him. We were very close and I actually got to go to Europe with him once to meet his fellow paragliding friends. I loved to watch people with him and how he just loved people! He was and still is an inspiration to all of his family.He taught me so much and it is never the same without him. We all still miss him terribly. It is an awesome experience to get online and see that others still think about him and remember the incredible person he was. It is healing to see how much he was admired by everyone who knew him. I will keep up with your blog and read about your precious horse!I love horses too and especially one with such a wonderful story(and namesake;)
My name is Bonnie Blomeyer. Feel free to email me at,if you want. Thanks for the smile! I loved your story about the eagle. I used to quote the verse to him before he flew...Isaiah 40:31.."but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint." God bless you! Hope to hear from you:)

TBDancer said...

Join "the club" when it comes to horse injuries and figuring out "how the HECK did my horse manage to do THAT?"

Bubble wrap is REALLY a good idea.

You can have a horse in a field with no loose boards, nails, holes, rocks, snags, or anything--and the horse can rip itself into pieces.

Other owners will have their horses surrounded by barbed wire, uncapped T-posts, boards with rusty nails poking up, etc., and never have to call the vet.

It's a conspiracy, I swear ;o)

Anyway, again, welcome to "the club."