Yesterday I took Scotty's blanket off for about 15 mins and allowed him to romp the pasture. It's cold here so it stays on pretty much all the time. For me, seeing him 3 times daily, it's difficult to see any changes in his weight. I usually peek under his blanket every other day, running my hand under to see if I can feel any newly found fatty areas. I have noticed a drastic change in his energy level though. When he's allowed outside, he first rolls, then gets up and runs across the pasture. This usually is accompanied with a buck and a fart. It's comical and routine and makes for excellent pictures.
I had taken some pictures yesterday to document his progress. After returning home and downloading them, I placed them side by side. You can imagine my delight when I could see a fairly drastic improvement.
The road to the barn currently resembles that of a skating rink. Driving it is much like an episode of Ice Road Truckers. With the snow, then rain, then bitter cold - it's nearly impossible to walk on without slipping. Getting the full-of-poop wheelbarrow down the small hill to the manure pile is challenging to say the least. Hand walking sessions are out of the question. I've been cheating though - Scotty's been going out daily now with Maggie, (the half blind, crabby old coot) and Jack and Finn - the two weanlings. He seems to do ok on daily turnout, even in the cold he appears happier. The edema in his left hind leg is down considerably, probably due to the increased exercise. I will continue to turn him out daily unless it is unbearable. As soon as the ice road thaws or we get a fresh blanket of snow, I will hook up and haul him to the vet for a weigh in. I am optimistic after looking at these pictures that he will make a full recovery.
yay scotty!! i have to come out and see him soon!!
I had the same epiphany with my rescue, Ryan--he's a very angular "warmblood in name only" and has withers like a shark fin. he's not emaciated, but the vet and the chiropractor agree that the boy could use a few more pounds.
During the big snow the week before Christmas, it was all I could do to get water to the troughs, get their goody buckets prepared (requires warm water and soaking) and pick up the poop. No blankets off, no turnout. Ryan is terrified of the snow, too. I mean, he lived his entire life in a barn in Corona and that area is NOT known for its record snowfall.
Anyway, after about 10 days of struggling through the elements and all, I took the blanket off and by Golly, the hip bones aren't peaky and he's got a bit of "fat pad" on either side of his withers.
I would say Scotty's pictures are DRAMATIC! Three weeks or so and the butt pictures are like two different horses. Good work!!
(And yes, bubblewrap. I am working on bubblewrap outfits for horse AND rider. I'm sure the results will be moneymakers. Whether the people suit protects bones or not is immaterial. I know the suit would produce weightloss ;o)
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